
The Netherlands is sitting - frontrunner in Europe

European research has shown that the Netherlands is by far the frontrunner in Europe: On average, the Dutch sit 9.8 hours a day ... Sitting is an important independent risk factor for premature death from cancer or heart disease. In addition, people who do little or no exercise increase the risk by as much as 27% if they spend more than 8 hours a day sitting in the day, compared to people who sit less than 4 hours a day.

Consciousness, there is nothing vague about it

Being more aware of yourself, interacting with others and learning how to keep developing this will make you happier and more productive. Awareness is the key to happiness. Looking very consciously at yourself, at your old patterns and putting yourself under a magnifying glass just as firmly and very honestly, that has an effect. You can then take action yourself to actually change and improve something.

Art contributes to a good mood and a healthy brain

Look at a colorful photo and there will immediately be activity in the brainstem. That activity in turn creates neuroplasticity, a process that ensures that our brain does not become 'lazy', says clinical neuropsychologist Erik Scherder. According to Scherder, the production of brain cells continues for a lifetime, but we will only benefit from this if we stimulate that production with external stimuli. Creative incentives, such as looking at art, especially help. So looking at art keeps the brain fit.
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